
Neurofly2024 and sustainability

The Organising Committee and the University of Birmingham are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the conference where possible by:

  • Encouraging all attendees including speakers to travel responsibly by using public travel, car shares, train and avoiding air travel whenever possible
  • Reducing waste by only catering to the confirmed number of attendees
  • Working closely with our catering team to provide locally sourced produce and to include more plant-based items and no red meat
  • Avoiding the use of single use plastics for catering
  • Reducing paper consumption through creating digital abstract books and the use of an event app
  • A conference bag will not be provided, instead we encourage all delegates to bring their own past Neurofly bags (or bags from other conferences). Prizes (edible) will be given to the person who brings the oldest Neurofly bag (eg the first Neurofly meeting was in 1984) and to the lab that collectively brings the highest number of past Neurofly bags regardless of the year they are from.
  • Our conference venues will have a high number of recycling bins for paper and food waste
  • Our accommodation and conference dinner venue are located within walking distance to reduce the requirements for transport
  • We encourage all delegates to return their badge and lanyard to the dedicated box at the end of the conference so these can be re-used.  

Contact us

Event Management Team, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT
