Invited Speakers

More Speakers to be announced shortly.

Dr Patrick M Bossuyt

Dr Patrick M Bossuyt is the professor of Clinical Epidemiology at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers, where he leads the Biomarker and Test Evaluation research program. 

The BiTE program aims to appraise and develop methods for evaluating medical tests and biomarkers, with an emphasis on clinical performance, and to apply these methods in relevant clinical studies. In doing so, the program wants to strengthen the evidence base for rational decision-making about the use of tests and testing strategies in health care. Dr Bossuyt spearheaded the STARD initiative for the improved reporting of diagnostic test accuracy studies. Dr Bossuyt has authored and co-authored several hundred publications in peer reviewed journals and serves on the editorial board of a number of these, including Radiology and Clinical Chemistry. He acted as chair of the Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics at his university, chaired the Division of Public Health, and was Dean of Graduate Studies. For 10 years, Dr Bossuyt also chaired the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Dutch Health Insurance Board, which oversees the health care benefits covered in the national health insurance program. In 2024, he received the ADLM Wallace H. Coulter Lectureship Award. This award “recognizes an outstanding individual who has demonstrated a lifetime commitment to, and made important contributions that have had a significant impact on education, practice and/or research in laboratory medicine or patient care.”

Dr Paula Dhiman

Paula is a Senior Research Fellow in Medical Statistics based in the Centre for statistics in Medicine at the University of Oxford.

Her research also includes reviewing the quality of medical research studies, informing the development of reporting guidelines and developing methodological guidance, all with a focus on prediction modelling. She is currently funded by CRUK to investigate sample size requirements when using machine learning in prediction model research. 

Paula is a member of the UK EQUATOR Network (promoting the use of reporting guidelines for Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of health Research) and the TRIPOD group which produced the reporting guideline for prediction modelling studies (TRIPOD+AI). Paula is the current appointed Chair of the QResearch Scientific Committee which reviews applications to one of the UKs largest primary care databases and the statistical lead for the Blood and Transplant Research Unit for Data Driven Transfusion Practice.  She is also the Nigel James Junior Research Fellow in Medical Statistics at Pembroke College, Oxford.

Professor Laura Gray

Professor Laura Gray co-leads the Biostatistics Research Group at University of Leicester. 

Laura has a strong and sustained track-record of leading cross-disciplinary research spanning methodological and clinical areas, with a focus on identification, prevention and management of chronic and multiple long-term conditions. Her methodological research is motivated by practical problems encountered in her applied health research;  specialising in trials, prognostic modelling and evidence synthesis. Laura has a passion for ensuring meaningful patient and public involvement in her research, and has led a number of research studies in this area. 

Dr Xiaoxuan Liu 

Dr Xiaoxuan Liu is an Associate Professor in AI and Digital Health at University of Birmingham, where she jointly leads a research and policy group focused on responsible innovation and regulatory science in AI health technologies.

She is AI theme lead of the Birmingham Health Partners Centre for Regulatory Science and Innovation, co-lead for the UK NIHR Incubator for AI and Digital Health, and advisor to the MHRA on AI as Software as a Medical Device. She has led international efforts for responsible innovation in medical AI, including SPIRIT-AI and CONSORT-AI and STANDING Together ( Xiao also serves as a Deputy Editor at NEJM-AI and was previously an ophthalmology doctor in the UK NHS and a Health Scientist at Apple.

Professor Alicja Rudnicka 

Professor Alicja Rudnicka is a Professor of Statistical Epidemiology in the Population Health Research Institute, City St Georges, University of London,  and co-founder member of the Artificial Intelligence and Automated Retinal Image Analysis Systems ARIAS Research Group.

Recent work has focussed on the use of AI methods for analysing retinal images in relation to (i) creation of a retinal microvascular phenotypes for disease risk prediction and (ii) performance equity of AI for detection diabetic eye disease from retinal images, for potential deployment within the English NHS National Diabetic Eye Screening Programme. Public, patient and practitioner engagement and involvement has also formed a growing area of research. She works as part of a multi-disciplinary national and international team, which includes AI/computer scientists, clinicians, data scientist, behavioural scientists and epidemiologists from different academic institutions.

Mohsen Sadatsafavi

Associate Professor and Associate Director of Research at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Mohsen is an academic epidemiologist with a keen interest in the methods and applications of decision theory in healthcare and health research. He is particularly interested in improving efficiency in medical decision-making and evidence collection. He studies the implications of uncertainty in evidence and its impact on the outcomes of decisions.

Mohsen believes that questions around decision efficiency are fundamentally similar at clinical and health policy levels but observes a lack of interaction between the respective methodological communities. Through his methodological work on uncertainty quantification and Value of Information analysis, he aims to bridge this gap. His applied research focuses on respiratory diseases. He has authored / co-authored over 270 publications, serves on the Scientific Committees of several international studies, and has contributed to guideline development in respiratory medicine. Mohsen is currently the Statistical Editor for Thorax and an Editorial Board member of Medical Decision Making.

Emily Lam

I am a retired Chinese female living with several chronic health conditions in a rural part of Cheshire.  Before my retirement I had a long career in nursing across primary care and various specialities in hospitals.  I have an Open University degree in research methodology and also worked as a senior nurse in research and development for a few years.  After retirement, I set up and ran an education recruitment business for fourteen years.  Then I participated as an Expert By Experience in many Care Quality Commission inspections until the pandemic struck.  The work took me to hospitals, care homes and GP surgeries across the region to interview patients and carers, and led me to take a keen interest in the value of people’s insights and experiences, especially those from deprived communities.  I developed a passion to advocate for them, for instance, in my capacity as a lay member on NICE committees which I served for over ten years. In recent years, I have taken an interest in research methodologies and thought about the public and patient’s role in their work.  I believe better research will facilitate better outputs to shape health care policies.  We need to bring all the skills, insights and understanding of people from different cultures in our society which already has a deepening divide between the wealthy and the poor threatening health inequalities.  I hope that by bringing our different perspectives and sharing our understanding with one another, we can be working together to better shape healthcare for public good.

Dr Pradeep Virdee

Pradeep is a Senior Medical Statistician based in the Cancer Theme at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford. 

Pradeep’s expertise include the acquisition and use of linked electronic health records for large-scale cancer diagnostic studies and prediction modelling studies, utilising repeated measures data for clinical risk prediction, and leading statistical components of many prospective clinical trials. His interests include improving efficiency in statistical programming and management of big data and methodological innovations for earlier cancer detection. Pradeep proactively engages with patients and members of the public to raise their awareness and understanding of the methodological components of applied research and the interpretation and communication of research.

More Speakers to be announced shortly.