We are pleased to announce that the journal ‘Diagnostic and Prognostic Research’ have agreed to publish the abstracts of accepted talks and posters from MEMTAB 2025! https://diagnprognres.biomedcentral.com/
There will also be a prize for the best abstract submission, and also prizes for best oral and poster presentations at the conference.
Please follow the link above, and then update your contact details. This will open up the abstract submission section of the portal.
Each of the tabs on the left hand side of the page will bring up a step in the submission process that needs to be completed.
At any time in the process you can click the Save As Draft button to save your incomplete submission and return to it at a later time.
The Review section will give you an overview of the sections that are still required to be completed before you can submit your abstract.
Once all required sections have been completed, you can submit your abstract in the Submit section of this page.
Please note that once submitted you will not be able to edit your abstract.
Requirements for submission: