Monday 28th - Tuesday 29th October 2024  

Edgbaston Park Hotel, Birmingham, UK 

QMAG Abstract Submissions

To submit your abstract for QMAG please send it to the below email address with the subject line as 'QMAG Abstract'

Workshop on Quantum Magnetometers QMAG & MEG-UK

QMAG&MEG is workshop hosted at the University of Birmingham. This two-day event aims to convene researchers from across the UK who are engaged in the development of various types of quantum magnetometers on the first day, and to foster collaborations with neuroscientists interested in utilizing such sensors for brain imaging on the second day. Participants are welcome to register for either or both events.

QMAG will focus strictly on topics related to the development of quantum magnetic field sensors. We will invite representatives from all research groups in the UK that are developing various types of quantum magnetometers and technology supporting magnetometry.

The Organizing Committee for the QMAG part consists of:

Anna Kowalczyk and Vera Guarrera (University of Birmingham), Erling Riis and Stuart Ingleby (Strathclyde), Bason, Mark (STFC, RAL, RA) and Owen Griffiths (DSTL).

QMEG will be dedicated to exploring the applications of OPM sensors in Magnetoencephalography and the current state-of-the-art in OPM based Neuroscience research across the UK.

The Organizing & Scientific Committee for the QMEG part consists of:

Anna Kowalczyk, Andrew Quinn, KyungMin An, Harry Cook and Barbara Pomiechowska all from Centre for Human Brain Health (UoB) and Yulia Bezsudnova (UCL).