Register Here

Deadline for Registration: 13th October 2024 11:59pm 

Early Bird rate ends on 29thSeptember 2024 11:59pm
There is limited availability for the early bird prices, these will end after the 29th of September, or when the first 100 registrations have been sold. We will extend this period if additional funding becomes available.

Registration TypeRegistration Fee         
Early Bird - MEGUKI Registration - Student (up to completion of PhD)£100
Early Bird - MEGUKI Registration - Academic£200
Standard Rate - MEGUKI Registration

The welcome reception, conference refreshments and lunch are all included in the above registration fees.

Accommodation information can be found here. 

Tickets to join the conference dinner can be purchased at the time of registering for an additional cost of £50.

Conference Dinner - Wednesday 30th October 2024

The conference dinner will take place at the Edgbaston Park Hotel, in the Fry Suite. Tickets cost £50 and can be purchased during registration.

The ticket price will include arrival drinks and a 3-course sit down meal 

Visa Support Letters:

If you wish to have an invitation letter we require that you are registered for the conference and provide all of the following information:

    • Family Name / Last Name 
    • First Name(s)
    • Date of Birth
    • Nationality

Please send the above to

Visa Corporate Credit Card Payments:

We accept this type of card payment but please be aware that Flywire will add a 3% convenience fee to your transaction. This fee covers all costs of processing the card transaction and will be included in your final charge. If you accept this fee, you can continue with your payment. If not, please retry with a different card or reselect your payment country and choose one the available payment options to make your payment.

Apply for a Bursary:

Excited about MEG-UKI but don’t have the funds to attend? We have three travel bursaries available for poster presenters that will cover the cost of registration, conference dinner, 2 nights accommodation and a contribution towards transportation costs.

To apply for the bursary, you can do so by either ticking the box during abstract submission or (if you have already submitted an abstract) by e-mailing with the subject heading “MEG-UKI Travel Bursary”.

Please note that there a limited number of bursaries available. To help us support the presenters who would benefit most, please include a short supporting statement (of around 200 words or fewer). Please outline how attending this meeting will be beneficial to your professional development and career goals, highlighting what you aim to achieve through your attendance.

Successful applicants will be informed on the week of the 23rd of September.

Please keep in mind that this bursary is intended for those who might not have the funds to attend MEG-UKI without additional support. If you do have funds to attend but indicate that you need this travel bursary, you may take the place of someone else who would not be able to attend otherwise