Invited spEakers

Speaker Name                         Organisation                                       Talk Title                                                                                                                           
Nic Alexander
University College London                 
Using OPM-MEG to Investigate How Autobiographical Memories Are Formed in a Naturalistic Setting
Enrico Amico
University of Birmingham
Brain fingerprinting in MEG: Evaluation, pitfalls, and interpretations
Jose Sanchez  Bornot
Ulster University
Brain source and functional connectivity with MEG/EEG analysis: improving Alzheimer's disease early detection using the BioFIND dataset
Dan Bush
University College London
Fronto-temporal network dynamics during human fear conditioning
Harry Cook
University of Birmingham
An optically pumped magnetic gradiometer - neuroscience
Ashley Goneso
Aston University
Rukuang Huang
University of Oxford
Modelling subject variability in dynamic functional brain networks
Kirandeep Kaur
Aston University
Runhao Lu
University of Cambridge
Aperiodic and oscillatory systems underpinning human domain-general cognition
Eleonora Marcantoni
University of Glasgow
Girijesh Prasad
Ulster University
Non-invasive BCI for Neuro-rehabilitation
Lukas Rier
University of Nottingham
The neurodevelopmental trajectory of beta and gamma oscillations
Ben Sanders
University of Nottingham
Measurement of neural oscillations in MS patients in seated and standing conditions
Holly Schofield
University of Nottingham
Building a 384-channel OPM-MEG system
Denis Schwartz
Université de Lyon
Helium Optically Pumped Magnetometers: Lightweight and versatile sensors for MEG (Sponsor talk)
Krish Singh
Cardiff University
Welcome to WAND: Description and preliminary results from our new public 171-participant dataset: MEG, 3T, 7T, Connectome and questionnaires
Elena Stylianopoulou
Cardiff University
MEG-derived measures of oscillatory network changes induced by Midazolam and Remifentanil
Luke Tait
Cardiff University
Optimal signal-to-noise projection of neural responses in health and disease
Michael Trubshaw
University of Oxford
Cortical neurophysiology distinct from healthy ageing in neurodegenerative disorders
Oliver Vikbladh
University College London
Consolidation of Sequential Planning
Lijuan Wang
University of Birmingham
Fast hierarchical processing of orthographic and semantic parafoveal information during natural reading
Rebecca Williams
University of Cambridge
Living in a World of “Close Enough”: Apathy and the Bayesian Brain
Sukhvir Wright
Aston University
Network -opathy” in autoimmune encephalitis - bench to bedside insights
Min Wu
University of Oxford
Neural dynamics during unimanual and bimanual motor learning