Abstract Submission

Abstract submissions for poster presentations are now closed. There will be an option to select if you would like to be considered for a short talk.

You are invited to submit a 300-word abstract until Sunday 22nd September 2024 at 11:59pm.

If you are submitting multiple contributions, you just need to create only one web account.

Please use the same account (login and password) for any additional submissions.

Please use the account you created during initial submission to edit or re-submit.

If you submit an abstract you will not be able to see or edit your abstract online. Please email us at academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk and we will amend your abstract for you. 

We will inform you of your outcome week commencing 23rd September 2024.

Submission guidelines

Once open please fill in the online submission form which must include:

  • Title of the abstract
  • Type of submission (poster or poster with the opportunity to be promoted to a talk)
  • Choice of topic/ theme 
  • An abstract with maximum 300 words.
Abstracts sent by email will NOT be accepted.


Stages for submissionDate
Call for abstracts opens31st July 2024 
Closing date for abstracts22nd September 2024 11:59pm
Acceptance notificationsWeek Commencing 23rd September
Conference dates30th - 31st October 2024 at the University of Birmingham, Bramall


Excited about MEG-UKI but don’t have the funds to attend? We have three travel bursaries available for poster presenters that will cover the cost of registration, conference dinner, 2 nights accommodation and a contribution towards transportation costs.

To apply for the bursary, you can do so by either ticking the box during abstract submission or (if you have already submitted an abstract) by e-mailing academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk with the subject heading “MEG-UKI Travel Bursary”.

Please note that there a limited number of bursaries available. To help us support the presenters who would benefit most, please include a short supporting statement (of around 200 words or fewer). Please outline how attending this meeting will be beneficial to your professional development and career goals, highlighting what you aim to achieve through your attendance.

Successful applicants will be informed on the week of the 23rd of September.

Please keep in mind that this bursary is intended for those who might not have the funds to attend MEG-UKI without additional support. If you do have funds to attend but indicate that you need this travel bursary, you may take the place of someone else who would not be able to attend otherwise.