Steffen staab 

Steffen Staab, Professor, University of Stuttgart, Germany and University of Southampton, UK 



Knowledge graphs for knowing more and knowing for sure

Knowledge graphs have been conceived to collect heterogeneous data and knowledge about large domains, e.g. medical or engineering domains, and to allow versatile access to such collections by means of querying and logical reasoning. A surge of methods has responded to additional requirements in recent years. (i) Knowledge graph embeddings use similarity and analogy of structures to speculatively add to the collected data and knowledge. (ii) Queries with shapes and schema information can be typed to provide certainty about results. We survey both developments and find that the development of techniques happens in disjoint communities that mostly do not understand each other, thus limiting the proper and most versatile use of knowledge graphs.


Steffen Staab is Professor of Analytic Computing at the University of Stuttgart and Professor of Web and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. He is a spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence "Data-integrated Simulation Science (SimTech)", a co-chair of the Stuttgart Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS) and founding director of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Stuttgart. Together with former members of his department, he founded Semanux GmbH to facilitate interaction with computers for people with motor impairments using artificial intelligence methods. Before he moved to Stuttgart in 2020, he was Professor of Database and Information Systems at University of Koblenz, where he founded the Institute for Web Science and Technologies (WeST).



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