SIGIR Travel Awards 

(for ACM student authors with accepted long, short, demo, resource, applied track or doctoral consortium papers)

SIGIR is pleased to offer Student Travel Grants for students presenting their accepted contributions at CIKM 2023. 

To be eligible, the student must: (1) be an ACM SIGIR member, (2) be an author of an accepted contribution (long, short, demo, resource, applied track or doctoral consortium) and (3) be the one presenting the accepted contribution.  

These awards are competitive (i.e., not every applicant will receive a grant).  We will particularly support students from underrepresented countries; and students who have not received a grant in the past. 

To be considered for a grant, the student must submit an application and their academic advisor must complete a statement of support (links below). 

Awards will cover the cost of registration.  Moreover, for awardees attending in person, the grant will include a stipend towards travel and accommodation costs.

 The application period is set from August 5 to August 17, 2023 (AoE).  The application and statement of support must be submitted before the end of the application period. You will receive an email approximately 10 days after the application period has closed, letting you know whether you were granted (or not) a SIGIR Student Travel Award. Please keep in mind that there are many factors influencing the decision process, and decisions are final.

Please refrain from registering before you receive a notification either way, as there would be no refund of previously paid registration fees in the case of an award.

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