Conference programme

Wednesday 2nd April

TimeSessionPresenter Topic
09:30 - 10:30Conference Registration and Refreshments
Poster Session
10:30 - 10:35                         WelcomeMike Jesson
University of Birmingham  
10:35 - 10:50
About the NWTFJonathan Morrison
Imperial College, London    
10:50 - 11:45Session 1: NWTF Initiatives
Chair: Adrian Gaylard
Paul White

Dan Butcher 
Loughborough University

Gary Page
Loughborough University 

Claire Mc Namara

Chetan Jagadeesh
City, University of London

Mark Quinn
The University of Manchester

Raul Vazquez-Diaz
NWTF Tunnel Managers Forum (5 minutes)      

NWTF Design of New Wind tunnels Subgroup (5 minutes)           

NWTF Experimental Database (5 minutes)

NWTF Training Workshops (5 minutes)

NWTF Researcher Mobility & Open Access Schemes (12 minutes)

NWTF Optical Measurements Subgroup (12 minutes)

NWTF Strategy Subgroup for TRL5+ Wind Tunnels (12 minutes)
11:45 - 12:15Coffee BreakPoster Session
12:15 - 13:00 Keynote SpeakerCarsten Lenfers
Intro: Jonathan Morrison 
Challenges, capabilities and future developments at the German-Dutch Wind Tunnels DNW
13:00 - 14:00LunchPoster Session 
14:00 - 14:30Keynote SpeakerChristopher Sheaf
Intro: Raul Vazquez-Diaz 
Propulsion integration future challenges - role of wind tunnel testing        
14:30 - 15:40Session 2: New NWTF+ Facilities 
Chair: Jonathan Morrison 
Gary Page
Loughborough University 

Olivier Cadot
University of Liverpool 

Shan Zhong
The University of Manchester 

Murilo Cicolin
University of Southampton 

Mahdi Azarpeyvand
University of Bristol

Matt McGilvray
University of Oxford

Liam Parker
University of Oxford

Nick Evans
University of Oxford

Morgan van Hoffen
University of Oxford

Spray Facility (ADAS) (7 minutes)

Laminar Flow Facility (7 minutes)

Human-Flow Interactions Wind Tunnel (7 minutes)

MIR Facility (7 minutes)

Bristol Facilities: Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel, Propeller Testbed, Pressure Neutral Wind Tunnel (14 minutes)

Hypersonic Quiet Tunnel (7 minutes)

NWTF+ Icing at Altitude Tunnel – A Test Facility for SLW and Glaciated Icing Testing at the Oxford Thermofluids Institute (7 minutes)

A Novel Wind Tunnel for Testing Heat Exchangers
for Cryogenic Hydrogen Applications in Aviation (7 minutes)

Magnetic Suspension Balance System (MSBS) (7 minutes)
15:40 - 16:00Coffee Break Poster Session
16:00 - 16:30Keynote SpeakerAdrian Gaylard

Intro: Gary Page
Integrating simulation and test in automotive aerodynamics 
16:30 - 17:30                                         Session 3: Joint Experimental and CFD Research/Impact & Exploitation of Wind Tunnel Data
Chair: Gary Page
Olivier Cadot
University of Liverpool

Kevin Gouder
Imperial College

Matteo Carpentieri
University of Surrey

Dhamotharan Veerasamy  Loughborough University 

Will Dixon
Loughborough University     
A complementary study of simulations and experiments to characterize the mean structure of the recirculatory flow at the rear of a 3D blunt body at different attitudes (12 minutes)

Integrated Wind Farm Control Interacting with Digital Twins (12 minutes)

Urban Tall Building Clusters: Influence on Flow and Pollutant Dispersion (12 minutes)

Standardizing Metadata for Experimental Aerodynamic Databases: Enhancing Accessibility, Usability, and Research Impact (12 minutes)

Aerodynamic Analysis of Racing Wheelchair Athletes: Integrating Full-Scale and Scale Model Wind Tunnel Testing (12 minutes)
17:30CloseMike Jesson
University of Birmingham 
17:30 - 18:30Drinks Reception (Assembly Room Lounge)
18:30 - 21:00Hot Buffet Bar (Banking Hall)

Thursday 3rd April

08:30 - 09:30Conference Registration & Refreshments                                  
09:30 - 09:35Welcome                                                                                                                             Mike Jesson
University of Birmingham                                 
09:35 - 10:35 Session 4: Novel Experimental Techniques
Chair: Mark Quinn

David Birch
University of Surrey

Doug Greenwell
Cranfield and AerodynamiQ

David Soper
University of Birmingham

Dimitrios Tsioumanis
The University of Manchester

Oscar Jones
University of Oxford                                           
New developments and applications in flow instrumentation technology (12 minutes)

Adaptive Test Management – Moving on from OFAT and DOE (12 minutes)

Unlocking future high-speed rail freight transportation capability through aerodynamics (12 minutes)

Testing of Single Photon Avalanche Diode Cameras for pressure-sensitive paint measurements (12 minutes)

Development of binary pressure-sensitive paint for short duration hypersonic wind tunnels (12 minutes)
10:35 - 11:00Coffee BreakPoster Session
11:00 - 11:45Keynote SpeakerBenjamin Leclaire
Intro: Olivier Cadot
Wind tunnels and metrologies at ONERA/DAAA: an overview through recent research projects
11:45 - 12:30Session 5: Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing 
Chair: Dan Butcher

Chetan Jagadeesh 
City, University of London 

Sung Tyaek Go 
University of Bristol

Esmaeel Masoudi 
University of Bristol 

Nurul Asyikin Abu Bakar
University of Bristol

The influence of gaps on boundary layer transition (12 minutes)

Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel experiments on propeller noise at the University of Bristol (12 minutes)

Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel experiments on static and dynamically oscillation aerofoils at the University of Bristol (12 minutes)

Simulation of atmospheric boundary layer and pollutant dispersion in the wind tunnel facility at University of Bristol (12 minutes)
12:30 - 13:30LunchPoster Session
13:30 - 14:00 Keynote Speaker Matt McGilvray
University of Oxford
Intro: Jonathan Morrison
High speed wind tunnel scoping at Oxford

14:00 - 14:30Session 6: High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing
Chair: Shan Zhong 
Muhammet Tayyip Gurbuz
The University of Manchester

Ramachandra Kannan
University of Cambridge
Investigation of Aerodynamic Flow Structures in Mach 5 Inlet Buzz Bi-Stability (12 minutes)

Influence of Downstream Waves on Impinging Shock-Induced Separation (12 minutes)
14:30 - 15:00Coffee BreakPoster Session
15:00 - 15:30 Keynote SpeakerIsabella Fumarola
Imperial College
Intro: Jonathan Morrison
AI and Machine Learning in Wind tunnels. Reinforcement learning
for drag reduction of heavy road vehicles with autonomous
dynamic flaps
15:30 - 16:05Session 7: Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing
Chair: Chetan Jagadeesh
Alan Robins
University of Surrey

Alexander Croke 
University of Glasgow

William McArdle
Imperial College
Mapping the effects of ozone pollution and mixing on floral odour plumes and their impact on plant-pollinator interactions (12 minutes)

Measurements of Propeller Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Behaviour Under Stalled Conditions (12 minutes)

Development of Aircraft Half-Model Testing at the 10x5 Wind Tunnel (12 minutes)

16:05 - 16:15                  CloseJonathan Morrison
Imperial College