Important Dates 

Call for abstracts: 25th November 2024, 23:59 

Submission of abstract closes: 2nd February 2025, 23:59

Notice of acceptance for presentation: w/c 10th February 2025, 23:59 

Submission Guidelines

We invite researchers to present work relating to the following wind tunnel topics:

  • Wind tunnel testing and outcomes/impact
  • Novel experimental techniques
  • Exploitation of wind tunnel data
  • Joint experimental & CFD research and impact
  • New methods of determining free stream properties of wind tunnels
  • How to progress the TRL scales
  • NWTF+ wind tunnels and upgrades or repairs to existing wind tunnels
  • Industry and academia collaborations
  • NWTF initiatives

Email academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk if there are additional topics you would like included. 

Please complete the online submission form to submit your abstract. Abstracts sent by email will not be accepted. If successful, you will be asked to present a poster or oral presentation in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. 

Any queries, please email academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk.