
Poster Presentation Template
Posters should be presented using the BBAA IX Poster Template in a portrait orientation, in size A0.

Extended Abstract Submission has now closed

All abstract submitters have been emailed to advise on the outcome of their paper and are now invited to submit an optional full paper. 

Full Paper Submission

All authors of papers that have been accepted for presentation are now invited to submit an optional full paper (up to 10 pages) by Monday 17 June, 10:00am BST. These should be emailed to academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk

Extended abstracts or full papers will be available via the online Conference Proceedings, which will be distributed in advance of the colloquium to all participants. 

Selected papers will also be invited for a special issue in the Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.

Key Dates

Call for Papers openJune 2023
Submission of extended abstract closes31 January 2024
Notice of acceptance for presentation
End of March 2024
Early Bird Registration ends
8 May 2024
Submission of full paper closes
17 June 2024 (10:00am BST)

Contact us

Event Management Team, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT

E: academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk