Gold Sponsors

Evolution Measurement is a UK-based company specialising in precision physical measurement, instrumentation, and calibration. Renowned for their expertise, they cater to industries that demand the highest standards of accuracy and reliability. Partnering with some of the world's leading measurement instrumentation manufacturers, Evolution Measurement ensures its customers receive solutions that embody quality, efficiency, and precision.

Central to their innovation is the EvoScann® range of miniature pressure scanners, a testament to their commitment to ground-breaking engineering and functionality.

The company’s dedicated team works hand-in-hand with clients, offering local product support and service across a broad spectrum of industries, including aerospace, automotive, motorsport, power generation, and academia.

LaVision offers a comprehensive portfolio of imaging measurement technology and measurement services for research, with our innovative optical measurement systems. In the automotive and aviation industries, for pharmaceutical and semiconductor manufacturers and in energy generation from conventional and alternative fuels. Three-dimensional flow profiles from microfluidics to wind tunnels are measured with the highest temporal and spatial resolution. In process engineering, our imaging systems are used to quantitatively visualize mixing and spraying processes, among other things.

To solve individual metrological problems, our highly qualified team offers contract measurements and successfully carries them out in close consultation with our customers.

Contact us

Event Management Team, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT
