Conference programme

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

8:30 - 9:00Arrival RefreshmentsGreat Hall
9:00 - 9:45Plenary Talk 2 - Florence Besse - Regulating RNA in the spatial dimension in the Drosophila brain
Chair: Matthias Soller
9:45 - 10:30     Session 2 - Developmental and cellular neuroscience 
Chairs: Guy Tear and Vilaiwan Fernandes 

9:45 - 10:00 - Samuel Vernon - Spontaneous neurotransmitter release is regulated by Unc-5 (O4)
10:00 - 10:15 - Dario Lasser - Molecular mechanisms controlling microtubule organization and abundance at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (O5)
10:15 - 10:30 - Lora Fahdan - A systematic exploration of the intrinsic mechanisms controling axon growth during development (O6)
10:30 - 11:00Refreshment BreakGreat Hall
11:00 - 11:45
Session 3 - Developmental and cellular neuroscience
Chairs: Yun Fan and Vilaiwan Fernandes 

11:00 - 11:15 - Johann Markovitsch - Never too late to get it right: Dynamic adhesion between lineage-related neurons organizes Drosophila brain circuit asymmetry. (O7)
11:15 - 11:30 - Elisabeth Kamper - The role of thioredoxin peroxidase in the developing Drosophila CNS during oxidative stress (O8)
11:30 - 11:45 - Suchet Nanda - Kon-RTK crosstalk controls the development of axon wrapping glia in Drosophila (O9)
11:45 - 12:30      Session 4 - Brain Homeostasis & Metabolism
Chairs: Yun Fan and Gaynor Smith

11:45 - 12:00 - Celia Barredo - The conserved AstA/Ptth neuroendocrine axis is required for starvation resistance in adult Drosophila (O10)
12:00 - 12:15 - Diana Knoblochova - Ecdysteroid signaling in energy metabolism and obesity development in flies on high-calorie diets (O11)
12:15 - 12:30 - Thomas Vaccari - Hecw controls neuronal homeostasis by promoting the liquid state of ribonucleoprotein particles and autophagy (O12)

12:30 - 14:00Lunch and Posters
Great Hall
13:00 - 14:00Early Career Workshop
Chairs: Carolina Rezaval and Natalia Sanchez Soriano

Anissa Kempf (Universität Basel) 
Andrew Lin (University of Sheffield)
Lisa Scheunemann (Freie Universität Berlin) 
14:00 - 14:45Plenary Talk 3 - Irene Miguel-Aliaga - Gut feelings
Chair: Yun Fan
14:45 - 15:30Session 5 - Brain Homeostasis & Metabolism
Chairs: Matthias Landgraf and Gaynor Smith

14:45 - 15:00 - Pierre-Yves Plaçais - Diverting glial glycolytic flux towards mushroom body neurons: a memory-fueling role of CRH-like neuropeptide signalling (O13)
15:00 - 15:15 - Joseph Bateman - The neurological basis of mitochondrial stress signalling (O14)
15:15 - 15:30 - Jingyi Long - A conserved epilepsy-associated gene co-expression module in Drosophila converges on increased AMPK signaling (O15)
15:30 - 16:00
Refreshment Break
Great Hall
16:00 - 16:15Talks by Sponsors

16:00 - 16:05 - Biologix Limited 
16:05 - 16:10 - Qidong Fungene Biotechnology Co., Ltd
16:10 - 16:13 - Andor
16:13 - 16:16 - BFKLab
16:15 - 17:00
Session 6 - Brain Homeostasis & Metabolism
Chairs: Thomas Riemensperger and Gaynor Smith

16:15 - 16:30 - Pierre-yves Musso - Taste regulation of immunity (O16)
16:30 - 16:45 - Ellen McMullen - Metabolic regulation of the central nervous system during infection (O17)
16:45 - 17:00 - Nina Surina - A novel trehalose sensor to study carbohydrate transport kinetics in the nervous system (O18)
17:00 - 17:30Business Meeting
17:00 - 19:30
Poster Session with Refreshments 

Click here to view today's posters
Great Hall

Contact us

Event Management Team, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT
