ABSTRACT submission

Important Dates

Abstract submissions open: 1st February 

Abstract submissions close: 21st May (11:59pm)

Acceptance notification communicated: w/c 26th June

Registration deadline for authors: 16th July (end of Early-bird)

Abstract submission details:


  1. Raw Materials, Resources & Mining
  2. Supply Chain Development, Environmental Impact & Magnet Processing
  3. Machine Learning & High Throughput Synthesis
  4. Recycling Rare Earth Magnets
  5. Unconventional Processing (including Additive Manufacturing)
  6. Nanocomposite & Thin Film Magnets
  7. RE-Fe-B Magnet Processing & Properties
  8. Rare Earth-Free Magnets 
  9. RE-Co Magnets & Processing
  10. Density Functional Theory (DFT) & Micromagnetic Modelling
  11. Applications of Permanent Magnets
  12. Applications of Permanent Magnets (including Magnetocalorics)
  13. Advanced Characterisation
  14. Rare Earth Nitride Magnets


During the conference, we will have two modes of presentation:

  • 12 minute oral presentation, with 3 minutes of Q&A
  • Poster presentation

Oral presenters will be asked to submitted slides in advance (using PowerPoint) of the conference date.  Detailed instructions will be sent after the submission deadline.

We will select submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Clarity
  • Relevance to current state of the art

Format for Abstract Submission

Maximum of 300 words (excluding title, authors and references)

  • Title
  • Authors (name, role and email address of lead author)
  • Institution
  • Main abstract text
  • Supporting figures and tables can be uploaded in pdf form


For any questions about abstracts, please email academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk

Contact us

Event Management Team, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT

E: academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk