Booking arrangements

Registration is open for online attendance only. Please register using the link below. 

Please review the administrative guidance notes for delegates here.

Please note that in-person registration for the conference is now closed, but online registration will remain open until April 19th. If you would still like to register for in-person attendance, please contact Dave Chapman ( or Batool Almarzouq (

All members of the AIM Research Consortia are welcome to attend the Conference in person or remotely. However, delegate places funded by the AIM RSF are limited to 15 places per AIM research consortium.

If there are any surplus RSF-funded places following registration (for example, if a consortium requires less than 15 places), these will be opened up to the other AIM Consortia groups. Once this total allocation of RSF-funded places has been exhausted, any additional places will be payable by the individual consortium as part of the registration process.

The process is as follows:

  •          Registration opens for RSF-funded delegates. All consortia to register delegates by no later than Wednesday 29 March.
  •          RSF team to review total delegate number and identify any surplus RSF-funded places.
  •          If applicable, registration reopens with remaining RSF-funded delegate places available on first come, first served basis. Once all RSF-  funded places have been allocated, it will still be possible for additional AIM consortia colleagues to register for the event; however, at this            stage, their host consortium will be responsible for paying for these places, and will be redirected to a payment option at a rate of £95 per            delegate place, with the option to add on accommodation and/or dinner.

Delegates to complete this second round of registration by no later than Wednesday 5 April.

  •        Online participants can join without any cost at any point during the registration process but by no later than Wednesday 19 April.

Non-RSF funded delegatesPrice per dayOverall
Day Delegate Rate£95£190
Accommodation on the 26th of April£130£130

Dinner at Botanical Garden

As part of the AIM RSF Conference, we will be providing a complementary evening meal at the nearby Botanical Gardens. This will be a great opportunity to socialise and network with other conference attendees. Please indicate during the registration process if you would like to attend the evening meal. If you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, please let us know in advance so that we can ensure that suitable options are available.

The complementary meal will include the following: 

  • Welcome drink on arrival, three-course meal followed by tea & coffee.
  • A cashless bar will be available to buy additional drinks, this is at the cost of the attendee.

Travelling to the venue:

The Botanical Gardens is approximately 1.4 miles from Edgbaston Park Hotel and Peter Scott House. 

  • Coach transport: The coach will leave from the entrance of Edgbaston Park Hotel 
    at 18.45, and will depart from the Botanical Gardens at 22.00, returning back to Edgbaston Park Hotel.

  • Walking group: details to be advised 

More information about the Botanical Gardens is available here. We hope you can join us for this enjoyable evening event!

Overnight Accommodation (Wednesday 26th April)

Overnight accommodation (Wednesday 26 April) is bookable during the registration process.

75 rooms have been reserved at the Edgbaston Park Hotel, and additional rooms have been reserved at Peter Scott House. The allocation of rooms to either the Edgbaston Park Hotel or the Peter Scott House will be conducted by the RSF team once the registration process has concluded, with consortium members situated together in the same hotel wherever possible.

Please indicate if overnight accommodation is required as part of the registration process and if delegates have any accessibility and/or dietary requirements.

Travel Expenses

As part of the Conference arrangements, the RSF is able to subsidise travel costs to a maximum of £150 (incl. VAT) per RSF-funded delegate place.

RSF team colleagues based at The Alan Turing Institute are responsible for booking travel arrangements to and from the Conference in line with The Alan Turing Institute’s internal Travel and Expenses Policy.

AIM Consortium members and [external non-Turing] RSF colleagues are responsible for booking and paying for their own travel arrangements to and from the Conference, and for the prompt completion and submission of expenses claims thereafter (see below for guidance).

Where possible, individual consortia are asked to collate all travel expenses for their research group and to submit a single collective claim to the RSF team for reimbursement. The RSF will then administer this to the value of £150 (maximum) for each consortium member traveling [to a maximum of 15 places]. The exception to this rule will be in instances where a consortium has taken advantage of any unused RSF-funded delegate places, in which case, the £150 subsidy will still apply for each delegate place.

Where possible, the most economic and low-carbon means of travel should be chosen and delegates traveling by train should attempt to reduce the cost of travel by using existing travel cards and discounts. Claimants traveling by train must also use standard class (unless a cheaper fare is available in first class).

To claim back your expenses, we need three types of files from you. Please click on the links below to access the files:

  • Receipts (images/PDFs): Please include clear photos or copies of your receipts, and include the itemized list version of the receipt where possible.
  • Expense form (Excel): Please complete this in the currency of the expense that occurred. If you can’t do this, please note it in the email back to us, and we'll fix it. You need to add your sort code and bank details, date, and Gross Value accurately. If it's not filled in, we won't be able to process your reimbursement.
  • Travel & expenses policy (PDF/jpg, signed): We cannot process your expenses without this, so please don't leave it out. All your bank details need to be filled in except for the Name of the Turing Approver/Supervisor. 

If you're sending the forms and receipts to RSF team ( independently and not through your consortium project manager, please make sure that you use DocuSign and complete all docs. You should have received an email from DocuSign with all docs.

Forms and receipts must be submitted within 3-4 weeks to by either the Consortium Project Manager or by delegates themselves. If you are claiming for mileages, please add Google map showing the mileages and review the Travel policy to find the rate for mileages.

Contact us

Event Management Team, Great Hall, Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT
