Abstract submissions are now closed. You are invited to submit an abstract limited to 500-words until Friday 12th April 2024 1pm GMT.  Please select whether you would like your abstract to be considered for presentation as a proffered paper, or as a poster only.

If you are submitting multiple contributions, you just need to create only one web account.

Please use the same account (login and password) for any additional submissions.

If you need to edit any author information or re-submit your contribution, you may do so until the submission deadline.
Please use the account you created during initial submission to edit or re-submit.

Submission guidelines

Once open please fill in the online submission form which must include:

  • Title of the contribution: titles should be brief (<100 characters) and accurately reflect the focus of the research.
  • Surnames and first names, and email addresses of all the authors.
  • During submission, please indicate the Session Topic which you would prefer your abstract to be considered for.
  • Type of communication (oral or poster).
  • Abstracts are limited to 500 words, and should generally be structured to include:- Purpose/Objective, Material/Methods, Results and Conclusion (include References as necessary, not included in the word count).
Abstracts sent by email will NOT be accepted.

Please note: Once you have submitted your abstract you should automatically return to the submission page, as well as receiving an email confirmation. If this does not happen please contact academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk noting that the office will be closed for Easter from Friday 29 March to Thursday 4 April. We will assist you on our return.

Preparing your poster

The format for the poster presentation is A0 (portrait orientation).


Stages for submissionDate
Call for abstracts opensMonday 5th February 
Closing date for abstractsFriday 12th April 2024 1pm GMT
Acceptance notificationMonday 22nd April 2024 
Conference datesMonday 24th -  Wednesday 26th June 2024 at the Edgbaston Park Hotel