ARR 2025, 9-11 June Lodore Falls Hotel, Keswick

Confirmed SPONSORS


RPS Logo

RPS Service specialise in the sales and service of biological X-Ray and Gamma Irradiators for the medical research and markets. We represent Precision X-Ray the global leader of X-Ray irradiators. 

The Precision X-Ray SmART+ image guidance radiotherapy Mimicking clinical radiotherapy imaging and treatments, the Small Animal Radiation Therapy (SmART+) system is the perfect tool for image-guided radiation research. Together, with easy-to-use software and an advanced set of imaging modalities, including Cone-Beam CT, µCT and Bioluminescence (BLI), this state-of-the-art focal irradiation system will enhance your research capabilities.

A dedicated cabinet X-Ray irradiator designed for placement directly on the lab benchtop. The CellRad system allows you to irradiate cells and tissues without compromising sterility or security, reducing the need to travel to a core irradiator.

These fully shielded cabinets require no additional shielding or room preparation, while the intuitive design requires no specialized training.

 The true intelligence of the MultiRad family lies in their ability to deliver an exact dose with a uniform beam, regardless of changes in system geometry.

A series of compact, fully integrated X-Ray irradiators Featuring 350kV, 225kV, and 160kV energy ranges, the MultiRad platform consists of high-powered research systems, offering precise and accurate radiation delivery for cells, tissue, and small animal applications.

RPS Service also market and service Gamma irradiators. We also have a recycling route for old Gamma irradiators to ensure the Gamma source is recycled to reduce radioactive waste. 




Tel: 01932 550 137

Screen Holdings Logo

SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd was founded in 1868 with headquarters in Kyoto, Japan, maintains a global footprint in the areas of Semiconductors, surface processing, direct imaging and image processing technologies. The technologists and scientists at SCREEN Biosciences group have implemented this technology in the area of Life Sciences by developing robust and versatile imaging platforms with broad spectrum of applications for 2D and 3D in vitro and ex vivo platforms to perform various cell based assays. SCREEN utilizes unique proprietary image processing technologies and therefore, able to perform high-speed measurement and analysis of the phenotypic and morphological changes in complex 3D cellular structures. SCREEN imaging technology is already accelerating research in multiple disease areas including oncology/immune-oncology (drug screening, early discovery, disease oriented and biomarker based profiling), neurodegenerative diseases as well as in regenerative medicine.





Don Whitley Scientific Logo

With nearly 50 years of experience, Don Whitley Scientific is a leading international supplier for microbiology and tissue culture. We develop, manufacture, and service low oxygen workstations. The Whitley Hypoxystation provides precise control of O2, CO2, temperature, and humidity, enabling accurate cell research across various oxygen tensions. 



Tel: 01274 595 728

Xstrahl Logo

Xstrahl has manufactured and supported equipment for radiation research and clinical radiotherapy for over 25 years. For the research community we offer a range of simple cell and small animal cabinet x-ray systems, the innovative Smart Animal Research Platform (SARRP) and ground-breaking FLASH UHDR preclinical irradiators.