Conference programme

Download a PDF and printable version of the full programme here.

09.00Open registration, welcome refreshments, and exhibition
Morning Session - Fry Suite, Edgbaston Park Hotel 
: Karen Schnauffer & Meurig Gallaher
10.00Welcome and Introduction
10.10Non-invasive metabolic imaging and AI; innovative opportunities for gamete and embryo selection
Fabrizzio Horta, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Reproductive Scientists: Necessity is the Mother of Invention
Helen Priddle, Laboratory Manager and Quality Lead at London Women’s Clinic, Wales and Bristol                                             
11.30Free communication session
12.30Lunch, Poster session and Exhibitor Breakout Sessions
Afternoon Session - Fry Suite, Edgbaston Park Hotel 
Chairs: Celine Jones and Ellen Armstrong
14.00Minimally invasive microrobotic embryo transport for cases of recurrent implantation failure
Mariana Medina Sánchez, IFW Dresden
14.30A socio-legal perspective on experiences of donor conception and direct-to-consumer genetic testing: what is the role of law?
Caroline Redhead, The University of Manchester
15.00Refreshments and Exhibitor Breakout Sessions 
16.00TRS Debate Live: This house believes that ICSI practices should be revised and updated
For: Bryan Woodward, Against: Rachel Gregoire                          
Chair: Jackson Kirkman-Brown
16.45Andy Glew People’s Prize
Jackson Kirkman-Brown
Jackson Kirkman-Brown
17.00 - 18:00Networking with refreshments
19.00Conference Dinner, Lloyd Suite, Edgbaston Park Hotel