abstract submission

Abstract submission has now closed.

Original information on Abstract submission:

Contributions to this conference should be traditional academic paper presentations. 

We will also be accepting submissions for interactive symposia sessions. Please note we will be limiting the number of symposia offerings to 4 and will be particularly interested in submissions which speak to the conference theme in innovative ways.  

Please submit short abstracts of between 500-1000 words which outline the topic of your paper and the way it links to the conference theme.

Important: The reviewing of your abstract submission will be made before Early Bird Registration Rates close (extended until 6 October). You will be notified before this date whether your abstract has been successfully selected for an oral presentation, to give you time to register at the lower rate. 

If you upload a draft contribution earlier than the deadline, you have the possibility to modify your text, update the file, add co-authors and/or additional contributions until the deadline. To proceed, you do not need to fill in a new submission form, but just log onto your submission portal and click edit. Only those contributions which have been 'submitted' by the deadline will be considered - those still saved as 'draft' will not. Please email us at academic.conferences@contacts.bham.ac.uk if you have any problems with this.

If you are submitting multiple contributions, you should create only one web account. Please use the same account (login and password) for any additional submissions.

Submission themes

  • Leadership and social activism;   
  • Leadership and the arts;
  • Leadership and institutions;
  • Leadership and systems;
  • Leadership and critical feminist or critical race theory;
  • Leadership and conflict;
  • Leadership and neoliberalism;
  • Leadership and violence;
  • Leadership and nature;
  • Leadership and the non- or beyond human;
  • Leadership for the social good or for individual flourishing.
If you wish to submit a paper that does not fall under one of these themes, you will have an ‘Other’ option when you submit.

Submission Guidelines

Once open please fill in the online submission form which must include:

  • Title of abstract
  • Presentation type
  • Choice of theme
  • First name, last name, affiliation, and email addresses of all the authors
  • An abstract with maximum 1000 words
Abstracts sent by email will NOT be accepted.